Clean Environment

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

AMR develops when bacteria, fungi or viruses are exposed to antibiotics, antifungals or antivirals. As a result, the antimicrobials become ineffective and infections may persist. In addition, medical interventions including surgery, chemotherapy and stem cell therapy may become impossible.
AMR is considered the biggest global threat of Health and Food Safety.

AMR Insights:

For Environmental experts, officials and other professionals who wish to prevent the further spreading of Antimicrobial resistance, AMR Insights offers selected, global information and data, specific education and extensive networking and partnering opportunities.

AMR Insights is for:

  • Environmental Researchers at universities and research institutes
  • Environmental Experts at research and consultancy firms
  • Labtechnicians at environmental quality laboratories
  • Senior officials at national authorities and regulatory authorities staff
  • Environmental Experts at drinking water, sewage and soil remediation companies

Latest Topics

  •   23 April 2024

    Antimicrobial resistance landscape in a metropolitan city context using open drain wastewater-based metagenomic analysis

    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major One Health concern, affecting human, animal, and plant health. A metagenomic analysis of open drains in a south Indian metropolitan city revealed that macrolide antibiotics contributed the highest resistance of 40.1% in January 2022. Mutations in the 23S rRNA gene conferring resistance to macrolide antibiotics were the most prevalent, […]

  •   17 April 2024

    Dispersion of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in pig farms and in the surrounding environment

    A study in Italy analyzed the diversity of antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs) in a pig food chain from weaning to slaughterhouse. The researchers identified 530 species-level genome bins (SGBs) and 309 SGBs shared between the animal’s gut microbiome and internal and external farm environments. The results highlight the need for effective countermeasures to limit ARG […]

  •   15 April 2024

    Cylindrospermopsin enhances the conjugative transfer of plasmid-mediated multi-antibiotic resistance genes through glutathione biosynthesis inhibition

    Cylindrospermopsin (CYN), a cyanobacterial toxin, can significantly enhance the conjugative transfer of RP4 plasmid in Escherichia coli genera at environmental levels (0.1-100 μg/L). This increase in oxidative stress in bacterial cells leads to ROS overproduction, upregulation of antioxidant enzyme-related genes, inhibition of glutathione synthesis, and increased cell membrane permeability. These findings suggest CYN’s potential impact […]


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