AMR news related to Effective Surveillance

For professionals committed to staying informed on antimicrobial resistance, AMR Insights provides the most comprehensive, up-to-date overview of global news and research. Access the latest developments, key insights, and essential information to stay ahead in the fight against AMR.

11 February 2019

We’re Not Using One of Our Best Weapons against Drug-Resistant Microbes

11 February 2019

Florida International and PAHO Launch New Manual to Guide Management of Antibiotic Resistance in the Americas

9 February 2019

The antibiotic use goes down

9 February 2019

One Health—Its Importance in Helping to Better Control Antimicrobial Resistance

9 February 2019

Antimicrobial treatment challenges in the era of Carbapenem resistance

9 February 2019

Faculty helping hospital in India address antibiotic stewardship

9 February 2019

The contribution of whole-genome sequencing to our understanding of the epidemiology and control of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

9 February 2019

Antibiotic misuse in respiratory tract infections in children and adults—a prospective, multicentre study (TAILORED Treatment)

9 February 2019

Merck / MSD accepting proposals for its Antimicrobial Stewardship Investigator Studies Program

9 February 2019

The State of Education and Training for Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs in Indian Hospitals―A Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment

9 February 2019

Trends in Oral Antibiotic Prescription in Dermatology, 2008 to 2016

9 February 2019

Government plans to control antimicrobial resistance launched: Guidance for dentists

9 February 2019

Antimicrobial resistance and the role of vaccines

9 February 2019

Drug susceptibility testing and mortality in patients treated for tuberculosis in high-burden countries: a multicentre cohort study

8 February 2019

WHO methodology to measure antibiotic use in hospitals

7 February 2019

Fight Against Superbugs Crucial to America’s Biodefense

5 February 2019

Use of microbiology tests in the era of increasing AMR rates– a multicentre hospital cohort study

5 February 2019

Using the best available data to estimate the cost of antimicrobial resistance: a systematic review

4 February 2019

Antibiotic resistance in Bangladesh: A systematic review

4 February 2019

Why Dutch hospitals are so good at beating superbugs

4 February 2019

Antibiotic Stewardship—Twenty Years in the Making

4 February 2019

2019 WHO Global Survey on Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) and Hand Hygiene

4 February 2019

Antimicrobial stewardship program (ASP): an effective implementing technique for the therapy efficiency of meropenem and vancomycin antibiotics in Iranian pediatric patients

4 February 2019

Scientists say the spread of antimicrobial resistance is a ‘global disaster’

4 February 2019

One Health Report on Antimicrobial Use & Antimicrobial Resistance

4 February 2019

UK One Health Report: antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance in animals and humans

4 February 2019

National Research Program in Norway Targeting Antimicrobial Resistance

4 February 2019

The impact of the national action plan on the epidemiology of antibiotic resistance among 352,238 isolates in a teaching hospital in China from 2015 to 2018

4 February 2019

New Europe-wide survey of healthcare workers’ perceptions about antibiotic use and resistance

4 February 2019

Public discussion on the draft recommendations of the Ad hoc Interagency Coordination Group on Antimicrobial Resistance

2 February 2019

Risking Antimicrobial resistance (free E-book)

2 February 2019

Accelerating surveillance and research of antimicrobial resistance – an online repository for sharing of antimicrobial susceptibility data associated with whole genome sequences

29 January 2019

Increase in vancomycin-resistant enterococci reported in Swiss hospitals

29 January 2019

The invisible burden of antibiotic resistance in Mosul

29 January 2019

CDC Tool: Latest Map of Investments to Combat Antibiotic Resistance

29 January 2019

CDC Illustrates 12-months of Progress in Battle with Resistance Worldwide

29 January 2019

Resistance to antibiotics costing Malta €3m a year

29 January 2019

Three political actions needed on antimicrobial resistance in 2019

29 January 2019

CDC warns of raw milk exposure to drug-resistant Brucella after 3rdcase

29 January 2019

Establishment of an International Reference Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance

29 January 2019

Tackling antimicrobial resistance 2019–2024

29 January 2019

BMA warns Brexit could hamper antimicrobial action plan

29 January 2019

Antibiotic resistance plan to fight ‘urgent’ global threat UK

21 January 2019

Two cases of resistant gonorrhoea diagnosed in the UK

21 January 2019

Danielle Ingle: Public health threat posed by resistant Shigella, both in Australia and globally.

21 January 2019

Saskia Popescu: Antimicrobial consumption and resistance a vicious cycle

21 January 2019

Karen Feldscher: Widespread occasional use antibiotics to cause more resistance than repeated use among smaller numbers of people

20 January 2019

Gail Hayward: Attitudes by GPs regarding antibiotic prescribing in older adults

20 January 2019

Jason Burnham: Estimation mortality from MDROs in the United States

20 January 2019

Chris Dall: MDR S. koreensis infections linked to hospital’s plumbing system

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