AMR Engagement Group

By making children and their carers aware of the risks of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the AMR Engagement Group (AEG) contributes to:
- Reduction of resistant infectious diseases in children
- Reducing the spread of resistance
- Increasing the awareness of the resistance problem
The AEG sees children and their carers as an important target group. Raising awareness among children and their carers is an investment in the future. An investment that pays off and contributes to the health of future generations.
The AEG achieves its goals by initiating, coordinating and connecting new and existing initiatives that focus on children, their carers and the challenges of AMR.
The AEG focuses on children up to 18 years of age and their carers. It distinguishes between:
- Children in kindergarten and carers
- Primary school children and carers
- Secondary school children and carers
The AEG is an initiative of the AMR Insights Ambassador Network.
The AMR Insights landing page Kids and Carers offers all these target groups an overview of recent news and information.
The AEG works on a global basis and focuses on all children and their carers. This is regardless of their country of origin, race, creed and economic status.