Innovate UK will organise two pre-visit briefings for non-UK (EU / International) businesses as well as one pre-visit briefing for participating UK businesses. Please note that participation in the pre-visit briefing is compulsory.
The aim of the online pre-visit briefing meetings is to inform UK and non-UK delegates on:
- Aim of the mission
- Program of the mission
- Matchmaking process
- Logistics (food & lodging, traveling)
- Contact persons
- Q&A
Pre-visit briefing EU / International businesses
For non-UK organisations there will likely be 2 online meetings on 30 April. This is in view of the different time zones. The exact time slots will follow.
Pre-visit briefing UK businesses
For UK organisations there will be one separate pre-visit briefing on 16 May meeting because the involvement of UK organisations will differ from the non-UK organisations. The time slot will follow.
Please note that attending the online pre-visit briefing meeting is compulsory for both UK and non-UK delegates. The meetings will help ensure that the mission runs smoothly and prosperously and that the participating companies benefit as much as possible from the mission.