Partenering: We give your organization a place of honor on the global AMR stage

AMR Insights

Would you like to actively and continuously profile your organisations among the global AMR stakeholders? 


The Partnering program of AMR Insights is meant to actively and continuously profile selected AMR organisations. We offer a Gold, Platinum as well as Diamond Partnership. In all three cases we ensure that your organisation is in the full spotlight. By partnering with AMR Insights, you strengthen AMR Insights’ position and we can become even more active in the global fight against AMR. So that’s a win-win situation. 


For an up-to-date overview of the Platinum Partners of AMR Insights see the Partner Page


You can enter into a Partnership at any time. For more information on the Partnering opportunities see the Partnering overview as well as the more Partnering details. Payment of a partnership is possible on a fixed monthly installment and on an annual billing basis. A Partnership can be discontinued at any time. 


For an overview of all the current Gold and Platinum Partners see the webpage and the figure below. 


For all further information:



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