We gather technology & innovation power to combat AMR in water

Would you like to be part of a rapidly expanding, coalition of the willing and the doing to curb AMR in water? 


The Dutch Consortium Antibiotics and Pharmaceutical Residues from Water aims to reduce the antibiotic emissions and to remove antibiotics and (resistant) bacteria from waste water and surface waters with the overarching aim of adding to the global curbing of Antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The Consortium provides off the shelf technologies as well as innovation support.


Netherlands partners, including founding partners AMR Insights, Dutch Innovative Medicines Association, European Water Stewardship and Wageningen University and Research, as well as international partners. For an up-to-date overview of the partners see the website.


Started in 2020 and of unlimited duration.


Publishing the White Paper ‘Removal of antibiotics and pharmaceutical residues in water urgent’

Exploratory research commissioned by Invest.NL into the release of antibiotics and drug residues by Dutch hospitals and healthcare institutions.

At the initiative of the Consortium: the Netherlands Embassy in New Delhi, together with RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency), has granted a Pre-Public-Private Partnership (pre-PPS) programme to determine the opportunities for Dutch companies in India. 


For all further information: info@amr-insights.eu


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