The B2B2B AMRDx network

What is the B2B2B AMRDx network?
The B2B2B AMRDx network is a cross-disciplinary, geographically diverse and gender-balanced group of partners from universities (bench), hospitals (bedside), for-profits (business), governments and nonprofits (beyond), with expertise in all One Health settings: human, animal, and environmental AMR. Improved communications between stakeholders in multiple sectors, an objective of the WHO’s Oslo Medicines Initiative, benefits the development of rapid, reliable AMR diagnostics.
We focus on 3 objectives to address the challenges faced by AMR diagnostics developers:
Objective 1 expands an open, self-curated, comprehensive online AMR Diagnostics Developer Directory (ADDD) to facilitate exchange of ideas and create synergies in the field.
Objective 2 further develops the JPIAMR Seq4AMR Virtual Benchmarking Platform (VBP) for genotype-to-phenotype microbial benchmarking studies that will include gold standard whole genome sequences, phenotypes, and metadata, as well as accompanying microbial isolates.
Objective 3 defines policy Pathways to AMR-specific Incentives for Developing Diagnostics (PAIDD), maximising public health benefits from the use of AMR diagnostics.

Objective 1: AMR Insights Technology Directory
To realise objective 1 of the B2B2B project we make use of the AMR Insights Technology Directory. This is an open access, searchable database containing a growing number of technologies, services and products to be involved in curbing Antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Each included technology, service and product is represented as a tile (in the overview) as well as with a dedicated ‘Technology Page’ summarizing the main characteristics of the technology, service of product. The content for the individual Technology Pages is delivered by the ‘owners’ of the technology, service or product. The owners are responsible for the accurateness of the content; they also need to update the content if and when applicable.
The Directory is not a scientific database (‘for scientists only’) but rather a robust, operations oriented platform meant to catalyse the development of novel diagnostics and other AMR technologies. The directory is searchable by means of dedicated filters and searchbar. The open access directory is accessible 24/7 to everyone at no costs.
Objective 1: Are you considering joining?
If you consider joining we invite you to scroll through the slides in the PDF here below: