Antimicrobial Resistance in Bacterial Pathogens

27/09/2020 - 02/10/2020
Nairobi (Kenya)
Wellcome Genome Campus

This course aims to address some of these challenges by improving the knowledge and skills of individuals interested in antimicrobial resistance in bacterial pathogens in Africa. It will provide a basic introduction to AMR, and practical laboratory training in the laboratory aspects of AMR detection (phenotypic and molecular testing) in bacteria. It will also provide theoretical training on the evolution and spread of AMR and explore the use of whole-genome sequencing and bioinformatics analysis and methods for AMR surveillance and control. The content will be globally relevant but tailored to an African setting, and therefore potentially transferable to other LMIC regions. It will result in training and capacity building of the participants who will be able to transfer their knowledge and skills  to their home institutions and countries. The course will provide an opportunity for participants to network and potentially build a regional AMR network to support long-term partnerships and collaborations.



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